Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Journey to a Half Marathon- Post #2

152 days until my first half marathon! Mixed feelings today. It has been 4 days since I worked out at all. Now that doesn't mean I have been sitting around! As usual, every day is full and busy but I need the normal workouts to stay on track. I can already tell the eating habits will be the hardest to change. I can fight through the workouts and training. I ask myself why I'm being so candid about this journey with complete strangers? The reason is simple- it holds me accountable for everything I'm doing. So here is a breakdown of the training today and food log.

Training Completed
2 miles of running/walking on treadmill at the Rec (rain and storms are not helping me 😁)
          *Tried not to watch the timer
          *Paced myself by starting to walk until 0.15 at speed of 3.2
          *Started running at 0.15 until 0.30 at speed of 4.8
          *Started walking to 0.31 to 0.40 at speed of 3.2
          *Started running again at 0.41 until 0.60
          *Continued this pattern until I ran/walked total of 2 full miles
          *Finished in 30:12 (very disappointed in that time!)

Did a "push" day on weight machines. This means you are only using machines where you push the weight with whatever part of the body you are working. An example is the leg press machine. Did two sets of 12 reps per machine on 6 different machines working both my arms and legs. 

Pic is of my first weeks workout plan. 

Food Log
Started my day stuck in traffic and munching on whole grain Cheese Its. Sucks being bored! 
When I got to work, I made my cup of regular coffee with sugar and creamer. Also made my pack of Maple & Brown sugar oatmeal. 
For lunch I had two shredded chicken soft tacos and an order of nachos with a bottle water. 
For snack in the afternoon I had trail mix. My hardest time is around 3pm everyday. I need to find something I can munch on that is low cal. I'm going to do celery and PB tomorrow.  
After workout tonight, I had one beef taco and about two tablespoons of both rice and beans. What can I say, I love my Mexican food!
I have had a total of about 100 oz of water today. No sodas (haven't had those in years)!

So don't be too hard on my food log! I have a new smoothie I'm trying tomorrow after my swim. I'm also taking snacks and lunch tomorrow. See you tomorrow for an update!!!

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