Thursday, May 29, 2014

Journey to a Half Marathon - Post #8

So it's 121 days to my first half marathon! I will say that May has been a busy but productive month - not only with working out - but in life, in general. So for my workouts, I have been trying to do two things:
1 - Be outside as much as possible
2 - Not just run but try new things and cross train my body

Having said that, I have completed 85.2 miles already for May! This week has been hectic so I haven't ran much but I do have a 5K this Saturday to close out my month. This is the most I have ever run in a month! The only thing that's strange with this Nike app is it calculates things differently so it's a little confusing.

So going into April, we will reach the 100 day to half mark. It's exciting! I plan on getting a more formal training plan in place with designated run and rest days. I am also getting into trail running and planning a 10K for August. And of course, I'm still swimming as much as possible.

As always, thank you for being with me on this journey!

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